
Risk-Managed Equities

For investors seeking risk-managed exposure to equity indexes or on a custom portfolio

pursuing more cost-effective risk management

TCM Risk-Managed Equities strategies seek to improve the risk profile of equity index allocations using tactical VIX exposure based on signals from our Volatility Dashboard.

Compared to traditional passive hedging, TCM’s active risk management is a more balanced approach that prioritizes up-capture in rising markets as much as mitigating crisis declines. By pursuing long term hedging gains, this approach can actually create substantial value for investors over time- a previously foreign concept in the hedged equity space. 

Available on S&P 500®, NASDAQ 100®, MSCI® EAFE or MSCI® Emerging Markets indexes or a custom portfolio.

Don't Walk.PNG

tactical risk management

Seeking to avoid the expense of passive defensive exposures

Photo by Jacek_Sopotnicki/iStock / Getty Images

improved UP-CAPTURE

Seeks to produce better up-capture than passive hedging

Photo by dimarik/iStock / Getty Images

crisis risk mitigation

Uses VIX exposures seeking to lower exposure during crisis periods


the value of cost-conscious risk management

Growth of $1000 Since Inception

Tactical Beta net of 1% fee. "Hedged Equity Peers" is an equally-weighted composite of JP Morgan Hedged Equity (JHEQX), Swan Defined Risk (SDRIX) and Gateway Fund A (GATEX), rebalanced monthly

Risk-Managed Indexing strategies returns are available on the Morningstar Direct database